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This week
26th November 2023 - 2nd December 2023
Eamon Ryan: 'If we crack energy, we can crack climate'
The Minister for Transport, Climate, Environment & Communications says polluters need to pay up.
All time
'This is a shameful day for Fine Gael and a bad day for Ireland on climate change'
Listening to the Budget speech from Pascal Donohoe today you would have no sense we are at such a historical turning point, writes Eamon Ryan.
Three perfect itineraries for a Saturday in Dublin
With a little help from Transport for Ireland, you can spend an amazing Saturday exploring the beautiful sights of South Dublin.
Eamon Ryan: Open letter to Shane Ross on the need for a review of the Metrolink design
“Closing all the roads and pedestrian crossings along the Luas line, will divide every local community between Beechwood and Sandyford.”
Eamon Ryan on flood walls: 'We're gonna need a bigger boat'
Dublin was lucky last autumn but we only need to be unlucky once to regret the lack of preparation for the new risks we face, writes Eamon Ryan.
Eamon Ryan: 'Shane Ross doesn’t seem to realise he’s Minister for Transport'
After 25 years of polite argument and positive suggestions it’s time for the cycling campaign to step up a gear, writes Eamon Ryan.
Eamon Ryan: 'Electric cars are about to go mainstream in a dramatic way'
We don’t make cars or batteries or charging stations but we can write the software and smart grid codes, writes Eamon Ryan.
Brexit: 'We do not want the British sailing off like some pirate state, joining the Trump administration'
We need to step up now and talk both sides in these talks back from the cliff edge, writes Eamon Ryan.
Eamon Ryan: 'Trump won’t have it all his own way on climate change'
The President-elect will face fierce opposition both domestically and internationally if he tries to undo decades of progress on fighting climate change, writes Eamon Ryan.
Ireland is exposed to extreme weather in a manner we have never seen before
Extreme weather events are inevitable, flooding doesn’t have to be, writes Eamon Ryan.
The Irish Water debacle can be solved in five steps
We need to put conservation, fairness and investment at the heart of our water system.
Eamon Ryan: Ireland should hold a referendum on the public ownership of water
We put a stop to this juggernaut before it’s too late.
Column: 'The Scottish voting yes are doing so from an international, rather than just a nationalist mindset'
If Scotland has to consider anew its membership of the European Union, then the Irish Government should be there standing up for its application, writes Eamon Ryan.
Column: Gerrymandering accusations pale in comparison to new plan for regional authorities
Fine Gael stand to wield an inordinate and undemocratic level of influence under the new system being introduced by Minister Hogan, writes Green Party leader Eamon Ryan.
Column: Irish Water set-up is repeating the mistakes of the HSE
No real savings can now be made for 12 years in Irish Water, while we create a duplicate of the existing arrangements and also set up an expensive new central agency to boot, writes Eamon Ryan.
Eamon Ryan: Who really won in the ESB dispute?
The key to this issue is whether the ESB will be able to pay pension contributions in 10 or 20 years time. It would be a bitter irony if the dispute itself has made the company weaker and less able to meet those commitments.
Column: We need an Oireachtas banking inquiry- now
We need that Oireachtas inquiry now to learn lessons from the banking crisis – so we never again experience such a crash, writes Green Party leader Eamon Ryan.
Column: Faction fights are sapping confidence in FG and Labour
The coalition partners appear more concerned with playing tug-of-war with each other than creating a new form of politics, writes Green Party leader Eamon Ryan.
Column: Want a debt deal? Then let’s pressure the German MPs opposing it
The future of the euro crisis lies in the hands of small groups of politicians abroad, writes Eamon Ryan. Let’s hope our own leaders recognise this.
Column: We need to face facts - this is the end of cheap oil for Ireland
Even with the recent discovery of oil in Irish waters, Ireland remains one of the most dependent countries in the world on imported fuels. This can’t last, writes Eamon Ryan.